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Bare Lead Fishing Jigs by Hook Style
Our non-weedless bare lead jigs are organized by three different hook styles. You can select them with standard or sickle hooks. The standard hooks are Eagle Claw 570/L3052/L786/L2798 and L098 hooks, Eagle Claw 500BP black sickle hooks and/or red Eagle Claw 500 sickle hooks. Sickle hooks can only be used in our jig molds that accept Eagle Claw 570/500/L3052 hooks. Anyone tying their own hair or feather jigs may be interested in the red sickle model. The hook adds to the look of the jigs and in some cases will blend in with the material attached to the jig.
Click on a picture below to see a product style. Each product style has up to 22 different versions of it.
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